What is Power Stoplight?

Power Stoplight is a patent pending system that can help you reduce both your impact on the environment and your monthly electricity bills.

Technology experts, environmentally minded individuals & cost-conscious families can all benefit, even without changing over their electricity service.

Both positively and intuitively, Power Stoplight motivates people to get into the habit of running the dishwasher, doing the laundry, etc, at off-peak times to reduce peak loads on electricity grids.

The Stoplight tells you when it’s a good time to use electricity, saving you money and helping you help the environment.  For homes that may have such systems at home, the Blue/Grey line indicator informs you when your power generation systems (solar and wind) would be most useful.

Power Stoplight can be embedded in a number of devices: thermostats, flat panel displays, thermometers, and phones, but does not require complicated installation, registration, or monthly fees. Power Stoplight truly brings power to the people!

Power Stoplight Mobile is the first software application for mobile phones that brings this technology and this type of information to consumers in North America.

A fully complete Smart Grid that allows our appliances, meters, lights, electric cars & solar panels to all communicate with their controlling and monitoring systems is a major worldwide undertaking that is currently in development.  Power Stoplight is very real right now!

The industry term for what Power Stoplight and its users implement is Demand Response, but its operation and background may not matter to most consumers who simply want to know information that in some cases is quite difficult to understand or convey to the user through regular means or perhaps through the Grid itself. Regardless of whether or not your Grid may not be truly Smart enough yet, Power Stoplight brings you Smart Data that is intuitive & engaging and allows anyone to participate in Demand Response for its many benefits.


© 2013 Smart Power Devices Ltd